Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Tuesday August 14
Horse (Dam)
5g Desert Thorn (Precious Snippets)
5g Golden Esprit (Gold Lyric)
4g Lagerfeld (Coco Kerringle)
3c Skidman (Skidoodle)
5g Impavido (Assertion)
3f Snow Valley (Deer Valley)
5g Break And Enter (Marcia Proba)
5g Ferngrove (Tivoli Danz)
5g Dream I Can (Double Crossing)
4m Queen Ablaze (Queenin Caper)
5g Weidman (Presidential Suite)
5g A Good Plan (Strategic Choice)
7g Worthy Hero (Secret Scribe)
5g Red Flyer (Pym's Lane)
5g Fanx (Roman Match)