Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Thursday July 18
Horse (Dam)
5m Pincanto (Snippins)
4m Veuve Clicquot (Megan's Tough Love)
3g Screen Shot (Star Of The Screen)
3g Dambulla (Temple Of Peace)
3f Blitz 'em Bootz (Strata Attraction)
3g Beanie (Fleeting Fantasy)
3g One Penny Red (They Call Me Bolt)
4g Mehrtens (Burnzees Magic)
3g Proconsent (Bimutualconsent)
6g Upstart (Cannarelle)
3g Ringside (Mother's Milk)
2f Moneefa (Morning Fix)
4g Tradement (Amusement Park)
3f Rich Turf (Rich Mahogany)