Daily Summary

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Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Sunday August 9
Horse (Dam)
3g Freelancer (Darcenell)
6g Westlink (Comedy Express)
4g Just Folk (Fast Ruby)
4g Just Jake (Heavenly Dawn)
5g New Amsterdam (Simplyirresistible)
7g Satan Da (Investment Grade)
8g Emil (La Gazelle)
5g Lansdowne (Melrose Gardens)
6m Excaro (Carolina Pines)
4g Pushkar (Rajasthan)
8g Saunter Boy (Marie Des Fleurs)
4g Chevconi (Little Spur)
5g Coleridge (Nightingales)
5g Yulong Storm (Dreams Of Fire)
5g Sneak Preview (Stage Performer)
7g Lennox Road (Military Queen)
4m Wild Rocket (Deal Or No Deal)